Monday, April 19, 2010

Wrong path by: Germund B. Compuesto.

I cannot console the hate that lurks inside me. This feeling of grudge sickens me; those fake smiles are all I could see. I cannot see the sun that lights in the day; feels like our faces are frozen with plight in a way. I can’t think straight right now, everything is demented somehow. The feeling of anguish and misery in my soul can never be replaced by an ineffable goal. I cannot cry with tears in my eyes, for every tear in my eyes are already dried.

I have a family to support, please God I cannot do anything but retort. Retort to those people who wear arrogance behind those prestigious men’s suits and make you suffocate against your will of freedom. I cannot make a single smile, feels like everything is going to die. Crows lurking in the shadows of those who hunger and stutter amid the abysmal path of the broken horror. Do not take away this precious gold for we cannot live without anything to sell and mold.

I cannot see the eternal sky of heaven if those who are in power never believe in heaven but only believe in a heathen world of money and power. Spiritualism is overwhelmed by materialism, a realization of man’s instinct of greed to attain glory.

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