Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pseudo-Relationship as what I understand

Pseudo-Relationship as what I understand By: Germund B. Compuesto Pseudo-Relationship… in my 24 years that I’ve lived in this earth I can’t even say or explain how it feels. But one thing for sure…. It is like a purgatory between heaven and hell or I guess it is a limbo. For those people who don’t know limbo, it is the world of ghosts that kept on waiting for the heaven to open up until they are being judged. Well… I guess the word pseudo- relationship was born in there. Whoever invented this kind of concept is either a sadist or a masochist; I mean… who the hell would invent the concept of being like hanged in the air. It’s like you are in the middle of heaven and hell waiting for glory or despair. How I wish I could talk to the person that invented this word. As what I could define it… it’s like you’re in a relationship but you’re not… a feeling of being romanticized but there is also a feeling of being left. A no strings attached thing and at the end you might end up hurting each other. God knows how much it hurts, how much it kills your mental status. But it is also a way to enjoy life coz you will be deprived with sleep while thinking about the person you’re so hooked up while you don’t even know what she is thinking. I guess it is a feeling of being crazy. I mean who the hell want this kind of feeling of being hanged in the air while your feelings are so extreme that you can’t even know what to do with it. The feeling you wanted to kiss her but you cannot, the feeling of you badly want her in your life but you can’t even touch her hand and worse… if you’re going to talk about getting into serious-type-conversation, may the angel falls down or the devils went up but saying I love You in a Pseudo relationship is an Effing capital sin. I’ve had more than ten relationships in my life but this kind of crap doesn’t deserve for a couple or lovers that wanted to test their faith from it. There is one thing that I perceived for this concept; it is “Hypocrisy!” Im sorry for those people doing this kind of concept but playing with something you cant even see or touch is something outrageous. The feeling of being loved by someone can only be appreciated but it can never be defined nor explained. Call me an asshole, a mistaker, a warfreak or fucked up but I know that love can never be played around. Especially when you felt getting hurt and all you can do is cry in the middle of the night, enduring those nightmares, and inevitable tears and you cannot do anything about it but only watch while you get hurt and she gets hurt.

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